News - Irish Life Corporate Business

Stand up for pensions equality

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Women have to make sure they are not outflanked when it comes to getting a fair deal, writes Eithne Dunne Women in Ireland start paying into their pension at about the same age as men, and direct, on average, the same proportion (11%) of their salary into it. Yet it is projected that, on retirement, their pots will be about €120,000 smaller than those of their male counterparts. According… Continue reading →

Irish Life Staff Charities raised €365,000 in 2019. That’s €1,000 a day!

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We are delighted to announce that Irish Life Staff Charities donated an incredible total of €365,000 to two Irish charities. The funds were raised throughout 2019 by employees through various fundraising initiatives undertaken and the amount was then matched by Irish Life to reach this final total. Each year, the Irish Life Staff Charities committee shortlists a number of Irish charities to receive donations collected throughout the year and the final two are selected by Irish Life employees.… Continue reading →

Auto-enrolment Retirement Savings System Ireland

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Auto-enrolment Ireland: Cutting through the noise to explain what mattersIreland’s pension landscape is undergoing significant change with the introduction of auto-enrolment (AE), a new retirement savings plan for the workforce of Ireland. Its aim is to make it easier to save for retirement and easier for employers to offer their employees a pension plan. It has the potential to help people maintain a higher standard of living in retirement and has been a key focus for Irish Life since its… Continue reading →

Irish Life Investment Managers - winners at the Irish Pension Awards 2019

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ILIM & Setanta are winners!  Big congratulations to our colleagues in ILIM for winning the Investment Manager of the Year award, as well as Setanta who won the Equity Manager of the Year award at the Irish Pensions Awards.

Move to reduce cheque payments

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At present almost 95% of claim payments made by our Irish Life DC Corporate Business Benefits team are made by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT). These claim payments relate to Defined Contribution Occupational Pension Schemes, PRB and PRSA Schemes. The claims encompass payments to members, employers, brokers and consultants, trustees and other pension providers under the above Pension arrangements. We currently ask all Defined Contribution, PRSA and PRB member claimants to confirm their bank… Continue reading →

IORP II: Irish Life appeals to Government to avoid excessive bureaucracy and costs

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Irish Life has appealed to the Government to avoid excessive administrative bureaucracy and costs on smaller pensions schemes. Ireland set to impose significantly more regulation and cost than other European countries Oireachtas Committee to support a cost benefit analysis on implementation of IORPS II November 7, 2019: Irish Life has appealed to the Government to avoid imposing excessive administrative bureaucracy and costs on over 152,000 members of smaller pensions schemes. If imposed, the… Continue reading →

Registered Administrator: Registrations completed for September 2019

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The Pensions Act requires every pension Trust to appoint a Registered Administrator for their schemes and for the Registered Administrator to re-register annually.  Irish Life can confirm that we completed the Registration with the Pension Authority in September 2019 for the schemes that we will be the Registered Administrator for.   Find out more For more details about the role of a Registered Administrator and what the Trustee, Employers need to do to ensure everyone… Continue reading →

2024 Gender Pension Parity Report

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Why does research show women need to work 8 years longer than men? – 2024 Gender Pension Parity ReportDo you ever dream about life after work? A time to explore new opportunities and have a bit more time to do the things you love. For some, the dream could be travelling the world or exploring new passions, for others it could simply be about spending more time with friends and family. Whatever the dream looks like, life after work should be something to look forward to for everyone. So why… Continue reading →

Irish Life DC Annual Benefit Statements

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We are delighted to announce some enhancements to our DC Annual Benefit Statements from April 2019.   We continuously research with our customers regarding communication material and have implemented the following change to our benefits statements to meet their needs.   Our benefit statement is being changed to a reader friendly A5 booklet format which is more in keeping with other documentation that our customers receive.   The content of the benefit statement is… Continue reading →

EMPOWER Personal Lifestyle Strategy (PLS) is changing

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Last December we announced changes we were making to our core PLS offering on our Defined Contribution) DC, (Personal Retirement Savings Account) PRSA and Personal Retirement Bonds (PRB) products. The changes outlined were implemented at the 1 April 2019.  A core strength of our EMPOWER Personal Lifestyle Strategy (PLS) is the regular review process. This regular review is undertaken to ensure that PLS stays up to date and relevant. This review will take account of changes to the… Continue reading →