Tell us how many years you have until retirement by clicking on one of the stages in the image on the left hand side. We will provide you with a few questions you could start thinking about as you approach retirement. You can check off the items you have already completed. And if you’ve completed all the sections in your current stage, you could even have a look at the next category to find out what else to do in the next stage of your retirement planning.
This site is aimed at members of Defined Contribution (DC) arrangements.
We assume that you will retire at your Normal Retirement Age. Remember that the age at which the State Pension is payable will change.
An AVC is an Additional Voluntary Contribution you choose to pay in addition to the contributions you must pay into your pension plan.
The State normally provides a basic income in retirement. As well as all earnings in retirement your pension is subject to tax, so you should notify your local tax office of all earnings in retirement.
This video explains how the EMPOWER Personal Lifestyle Strategy works in a company pension plan. Lifestyle strategies automatically switch your pension fund into lower risk funds the closer you get to retirement.